Ready to join your team
as a Front-End developer

Worked for
Most of the following client works
CRM/emailing solution prototype
Global CRM/emailing solution
Thematic product mini-sites
Series/channels mini-sites
Room reservation search and checkout
Consumer and Pro sites frond-end
iOS app presentation site
User dashboard
Signal strength measurements presentation
See my portfolio ⇒

A self-taught front-end developer, with an economics degree and graphic design background

A happy developer in its natural habitat

While earning my masters degree in economics (Mecon), I developed a fascination with the "new" digital artists of the era, the early 2000s. Artists like Michael Young and Mike Cina (weworkforthem) and others which lead to an interest in modernist typography, grid systems (Brockman, Muller, Tschischold), data-visualisation and motion design.

First worked in both print and web layouts, doing 3D illustrations and infographics, then more and more web related work, UI design and coding.

In the early 2010s realising the need to specialise in one field. I choose the one which matched best my skillset, and where I could create the most value. This is being the front-end developer in a team of talented people.

Then in the last 5 years striving for the impossible and become the ideal front-end developer: going both deeper (more engineering and management fundamentals) and wider (more APIs and tools).

Values I'm striving for

Being a team player
Learning from others, sharing knowledge
Adapting to existing work methods, tools
Improving the questions I ask, listening to others
Detailed, continous progress reporting for coworkers and management
Compound learning
Learning from the best at Frontendmasters, Egghead
Learning from being wrong: estimates and results, previous mistakes
From what others already figured out

Contact information

I can be reached at, on LinkedIn or via my GitHub profile