Creating a Layout Component

In notebook:
Building Modern Web Apps
Created at:
React libraries JavaScript Ampersand
Most apps have the same layout, shared structure like navigation elements

Create a layout for the page

Creates a layout.js file in the root
The concept (pseudocode):
  import Router from 'ampersand-router'
import PublicPage from './pages/public'
import ReposPage from './pages/repos'
import React from 'react'
//++++ 1. import the layout file
import Layout from './layout'

export default Router.extend({
    //++++ 2. in React a component can include anotherone
    renderPage () {
    routes: {
        'repos': 'repos'
    public () {
        React.render(<PublicPage/>, document.body)
    repos () {
        React.render(<ReposPage/>, document.body)
  // ++++ 1. create layout.js in root dir
import React from 'react'

// ++++ 2. create the component
export default React.createClass({
    render () {
        return (
            // paste the layout html stuff here...
            // ++++ 3. the layout includes:
​{this.props.children}​ is the key to insert content into the layout. 
​<Layout>{page}</Layout>​  ->​ ​{page}​ will be inserted into this.props.children
setting default options (ES6) for renderPage in router:
  import //...

export default Router.extend({
    // ++++ 1. pass the page and add default options (ES6 syntax)
    renderPage (page, opts = {layout:true}) {
        // ++++ 2. select to add layout or not
        // redefine page here (if layout)
           page =( <Layout>
        // ++++ 3. call render
        React.render(page, document.body)
    routes: {
        'repos': 'repos'
    public () {
        // ++++ 4. We can now just call renderPage
        this.renderPage(<PublicPage/>, {layout:false})
    repos () {
        // ++++ 4. We can now just call renderPage
He advises to ALWAYS use an options object, not just pass booleans

if statements

you have to do it outside the JSX
    render () {
        let something
        if (someCondition) {
            something = <div></div>
    return (