Validate your Webpack config with Webpack validator

In notebook:
Egghead Webpack
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JavaScript Webpack libraries


Uses the "vanilla JS" version of Todo MVC app that's been ported to ES6.
The starting webpack config. It's a function that accepts an ​env​ environment parameter (build, or prod).
  // **** webpack.config.js   ****

const {resolve} = require('path')
module.exports = env => {
    return {
        entry: './js/app.js',
        output: {
            filename: 'bundle.js',
            path: resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
            pathinfo: !
        context: resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
        devtool: ? 'source-map' : 'eval',
        module: {
            loaders: [
                {test: /\.js$/, loader: 'babel!eslint', exlcude: /node_modules/},
                {test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style!css'}
The corresponding entries in package.json:
Note the ​env​ setting
  // **** package.json ****
"scripts": {
    "build": "webpack"
    "build:prod": "webpack -p"
    // the start scripts:
    "start": "webpack-dev-server --content-base dist"
    // and some prestart scripts (cleans)
    "clean-dist": "rimraf dist",
    "copy-files": "cpy src/index.html scr/favicon.ico dist",
    // just runs the above scripts
    "clean-and-copy": "npm run clean-dist && npm run copy-files",
    // and finally the prestart script
    "prestart": "npm run clean-and-copy",

Webpack validator

There’s an error in the presented config file, but the error message we get from Webpack is not very helpful.

The error was to use ​modules​ instead of ​module​ to add the ​loaders​.

Webpack validator can help with these kind of issues.
​$ npm install —save-dev webpack-validator​
It checks a large number of issues, not just typos. Adds to package.json.
Need to add a validate script in package.json.
  // **** package.json ****
"scripts": {
  "test": "karma start",
  "watch:test": "karma start --auto-watch --no-single-run",
  // 1. ++++ for the development
  "validate-webpack:dev": "webpack-validator webpack.config.js"
Now, you can run ​$ npm validate-webpack:dev​ and it tells you clearly the errors (“modules not allowed”).

Adds the prod version as well:
​"validate-webpack:prod": "webpack-validator webpack.config.js"
Then we need to add these validations to our pre-commit hook in package.json:
  // **** package.json ****
"scripts": {
  "test": "karma start",
  "watch:test": "karma start --auto-watch --no-single-run",
  // 1. ++++ add validate-webpack:* to run all the validations
  "validate": "nm-run-all --parallel validate-webpack:* lint test"
  "validate-webpack:dev": "webpack-validator webpack.config.js"
Now, we can just run ​$ npm run validate​ But now we get the errors twice, for each validator. 
Theres also nodejs module that we can use in webpack.config.js
  // **** webpack.config.js ****
const validate = require('webpack-validator');

module.exports = env => {
  // wrap the whole statement here with validate
  return validate ({