Wrap up

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Functional light
Created at:
Functional Programming JavaScript
We learned:
  • side effects
  • hard to track how many times, how these variables (outside of scopes) are changed
  • someone else can change it too, and collapse our program
  • pure functions
  • 100% pure is not useful (doesn't do anything)
  • creating pure interfaces (with closure)
  • pass the result of the calling of this function
  • composition
  • immutability 
  • using values with immutability in mind (like ​slice​, that creates a new value)
  • closure (wrap, value or state in a function that later we can move around_
  • recursion
  • list operations
He explains that in his 17 years of programming, the strictly academic path of learning functional programming always failed. This is where functional light comes from.