Category Theory

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Hardcore Functional
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Functional Programming JavaScript

The Voyage


  • containers/Wrappers for values
  • no methods
  • not nouns (we won't have user object or blog object...)
  • probably won't be making them your own very often

(uses the word functors for them.)

  var _Container = function (val) {
  this.val = val
// 2
You look at this will immediately know what it does. 

It's got some properties and grammar
  // associative
add(add(1,2),4) == add(1, add(2,4))

// commulative
add(4,1) == add(1,4)

// identity
add(n, 0) == n

// distributive
multiply(2, add(3,4)) == add(multiply(2,3), multiply(2,4))
it's even polymorphic
  add('ta', 'cos')
//  tacos

add(9.2, 0.5)
// 9.7

add([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
// [1,2,3,4,5,6]
we can add anything together

So you have intuitions and laws attached.

Category theory

  compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)

id :: a -> a
It's got laws and properties. It's polymorphic. 

The above is a type signature. (Haskell type signature)

The identity function

it returns the same value that was given to it. It's very useful if you want to point free programming. 

Category Laws

  // left identity
compose(id, f) == f

// right identity
compose(f, id) == f

// associativity
compose(compose(f, g), h) == compose(f, compose(g,h))
It doesn't matter how they are grouped. So we can grab out any group of arguments and create subcompositions. This comes from the associativity quality. 

Doesn't matter how you add three numbers together...