Questions (Continued)

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Hardcore Functional
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Functional Programming JavaScript
What's the best way to debug JSBin?

We can drop in ​log​.
  function log (x) { console.log(x); return x; }
Then you can drop ​log​ in your compositions. 
  _.compose(get('title'), log, _.head)(articles)
Now you can save this to a variable
  var firstTitle = _.compose(get('title'), log, _.head)
then do things like:
  _.compose(_.head, firstTitle)(articles) // returns E
So you're creating a vocabulary of actions and data that you can use to write your program. It's like programming with DSL without knowing it.

He mentions what they said at Pivotal Labs: test driven development amplifies the pain if you're software is not well designed. 

TDD as software design technique