Introducing Modular Web Development

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Modular Web Development
Created at:
JavaScript Fundamentals

Presented by: James Halliday aka substack

Using dozens and dozens of single-purpose npm packages

With this composing workflow you can build anything that a big, complex framework claims to provide you.

the web these days

the web is these (not only simple html+css):

  • service workers
  • template strings
  • redux architecture

but also these:

  • indexedDB
  • webaudio
  • webgl

He recommends:

starting from zero

for all projects... And only install tools that you completely understand

$ echo '{}' > package.json
$ npm install --save ...

It's easy to clone someone else's repo (or create-...-app) that you don't know why is set up that way.