Websocket Streams
streaming websockets in node and the browser
Let's create a server:
const http = require('http')
// ecstatic for serving up static files ↴
// (we will need to send some files to the browser)
const ecstatic = require('ecstatic')
const through = require('through2')
http.createServer(ecstatic(__dirname + '/public')) // (creates the public dir)
// and use the websockets:
// this will create a duplex stream
const wsock = require('websocket-stream')
wsock.createServer({ server: server}, function (stream) {
// `stream` is a duplex stream
// an echo server:
// or an echo server that converts to uppercase
// for this to work we need through (above)
function loud () {
return through(function (buf, enc, enxt) {
next(null, buf.toString().toUpperCase())
Let's now build the client:
// **** client.js ****
const wsock = require('websocket-stream')
// add the websocket or ssl connection address (wss:// for ssl)
// and use the browser location.host to get the url
var stream = wsock('ws://' + location.host)
// so that we can have an input box,
// and some html to put the result
// his favorite module...
// it uses template strings
const html = require('yo-yo')
function update
// **** client.js ****
const wsock = require('websocket-stream')
// add the websocket or ssl connection address (wss:// for ssl)
// and use the browser location.host to get the url
var stream = wsock('ws://' + location.host)
// so that we can have an input box,
// and some html to put the result
// his favorite module...
// it uses template strings
const html = require('yo-yo')
// we need through so that we can `pipe` through messages... ↴
var through = require('through2')
var stream = wsock('ws://' + location.host)
// need a root render into
var root = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
// we will store the server response here ↴
var output = []
update() // (renders...)
stream.pipe(through(function (buf, enc, next) {
// put the response into output
function update () {
// insert a block of markup...
html.update(root, html`<div>
// onsubmit to handle the submit event ↴
<form onsubmit=${onsubmit}>
// note name="msg"
<input type="text" name="msg">
// the pre tag to handle the response displaying
// handle the sumbitting
function onsubmit (ev) {
// the usual preventDefault
// get the "msg" value:
stream.write(this.elements.msg.value + '\n')
// this.reset method available on forms
// clears out the form records
Then create the minimal html to run:
<!--// **** public/index.html ****-->
<body><script src=bundle.js></script></body>
The <body>
will help you avoid writing domReady
boilerplate stuff.
Then use browserify to create the bundle:
$ browserify client.js > public/bundle.js
(of course before you had run $ npm i -g browserify
And then: $ node server.js
Now, you can go to localhost:5000
in a browser and youu have the input box where you can type.