Key Takeaways

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Organising Javascript functionality
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He uses UMD style modules to share code between browser and server.

He loads modules on the server with require: ​global.Validate = Validate = require(path.join(__dirname,"web","js","Validate.js"));

A detail: he always put the shared modules on a path (/web/js/Validate.js) where he could access them in both contexts. In a real production app, you would be building (packaging) and moving the files to another location. 

To set up routes, he pushes functions that first check the ​req.url​. 
  function FooRoute(req,res) {
		if (/^\/Foo/.test(req.url)) {
    // 	...
There are some libraries that help with these regexes etc.

If a route function can handle a request, it ​return true​, otherwise it falls to the next route and finally to ​defaultRoute​. 

He again emphasises that you don't need big, complex frameworks.