Task 1 Introduction

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Organising Javascript functionality
Created at:
JavaScript DOM pattern
Page has a carousel, and a details pane. The carousel has a list of people (avatars) and you choose one from this list.

How to organise better the code that has already been written. How to improve the code with modules. 

Task: Attach event handlers for the header. Starts with ​$(document).ready(function(){..})​ 

The links on the page already work, but he wants to turn them into opening a modal. 
We need to set up a click handler. What should we attach it to?
The html fragment:
  <header rel="js-header">
		<div class="logo">My Cool Page</div>

		<div class="controls" rel="js-controls">
			<a href="register.html" rel="nofollow js-register">register</a> |
			<a href="login.html" rel="nofollow js-login">login</a>
He uses the ​rel​ attributes. There are many different schools of how the js code should determine and find the element you want to interact with:
  • using the ​id​ attribute (look up by id) - doesn't like it. He argues, id's are more often used in the CSS (my note: not really). On big projects the id's can change through (CSS) refactoring
  • add a ​data-​ attribute (some people use this)
  • he prefers the ​rel​ attribute. It's valid on almost very element on the page, but doesn't have a meaning on the elements. It's original meaning was relationship. Like ​nofollow​ on a ​a​ element. It means no relationship at all between the current page and linked page. Common on the SEO world (to not to endorse other pages). On a ​link​ tag it explains the relationship for example ​stylesheet​.
He put the ​rel​ further to define the relationship between the page element and his JavaScript. He use the ​js-​ prefix. He says you can use any form you prefer.