Platonic Shapes

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters SVG Animation
Created at:
animation DOM
  <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" 
x="0px" y="0px" width="450px" height="100px" viewBox="0 0 450 100">
 <rect x="10" y="5" fill="white" stroke="black" width="90" height="90"/>
 <circle fill="white" stroke="black" cx="170" cy="50" r="45"/>
 <polygon fill="white" stroke="black" points="279,5 294,35 328,40 303,62 309,94 
279,79 248,94 254,62 230,39 263,35 "/>
 <line fill="none" stroke="black" x1="410" y1="95" x2="440" y2="6"/>
 <line fill="none" stroke="black" x1="360" y1="6" x2="360" y2="95"/>
in ​html5​ you're not required to add the ​xmlns=""​ attribute.

​width​ and ​height​ is not that important either. 

for colors we're using ​fill​ and ​stroke​. And in drawing in a x/y coordinate system. 

the star is ​polygon​, an array of points.
Note: you can pull out the ​width​ and ​height​ and then control the dimensions through CSS. She suggests to always do it with css. 
The coordinates map stays the same. 


you can use it to crop your canvas. and also to do animation