Mocha async promises multiple assertions

In notebook:
Work Notes
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Here's how I did multiple assertions on a unit that returns it's result as a promise.
Using chai-as-promised:
  context("getting 'Best Of' in workshops category", function () {
    var subjectresult;
    before("filter notes", function () {
        subjectresult = subject({
            collection: "category",
            name:       "workshops"
    it("should return two elements", function () {
        return expect(subjectresult).to.have.eventually.length(2);
    it("first should be a favorite element", function () {
        return expect(subjectresult)'[0]._id', 'pantsid');
    it("second should be the most recent element", function () {
        return expect(subjectresult)'[1]._id', 'hatsid');
the chai ​​ assertions lets me select an element from an array and just test one property:
return expect(subjectresult)'[1]._id', 'hatsid');
​subjectresult​ is a promise containing an array. I'm testing that the second item in the array has the ​_id​ of  '​hatsid​'.