1.5 The Web Audio API - Equaliser, visualisations, loading into memory 

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edX Advanced HTML5
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Writing an equaliser using biquad filters

​Uses ​BiquadFilter​ nodes with ​type="peaking"​.

Frequencies inside the range get a boost or an attenuation; frequencies outside it are unchanged.

Three properties you can control: frequency (middle of the target frequency range) gain (boost in dB) and Q (wisth of the target frequency band.

2D real time visualizations: waveforms

Create an analyser node, set options (fftSize, bufferLength), then create an animatin loop to draw on the canvas

Working with sound samples loaded in memory

  • No streaming/decoding in real time means less CPU is used,
  • With all samples in memory it's possible to play them in sync with very high accuracy,
  • It's possible to make loops, add effects, change the playback rate, etc.
  • And of course, if they are in memory and uncompressed, there is no wait time for them to start playing: that are ready to be used!
You can for example use the same sound sample at different speed, frequency in a game to produce different sound effects.


It's properties: buffer, loop, loopstart, looped playbackRate, detune.

Notice in the code that each time we click on the button, we rebuild the audio graph.

Suggest libraries

  • HowlerJS: useful for loading and playing sound sample in video games. Can handle audio sprites (multiple sounds in single audio files), loops, spatialization. Very simple to use.
  • Webaudiox, and in particular a helper built with this library, jsfx for adding 8bits such as procedural sounds to video games, without the need to load audio files. 
  • For writing musical applications, take a look at ToneJS !