Binding Configuration 

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Advanced JavaScript
Created at:
Fundamentals JavaScript
A confusing snippet:
  function foo() {
  var bar = "bar1";

function baz() {

var bar = "bar2";
foo();    // ???
Confusion occurs between lexical scope and dynamic scope (​this​) 
People often want to make a cross between the two scopes. It is not possible. They are fundamentally different mechanism. We don't have a reference to our local context. It's a thing that exists, but we don't get reference to it. We cannot say that ​this​ should point to our lexical scope.

Even on Stack Overflow, where the above snippet originates form (it's a distilled form) the wrong response received thousands of up votes and was accepted as the "right" answer. This shows that it's still very confusing for many people.

​baz is a utility function that we don't have control over, but it references ​​.

The incorrect solution was:
  // incorrect solution

function foo() {
  var bar = "bar1";
  this.baz = baz;

function baz() {

var bar = "bar2";
foo();    // ???
This solution is wrong, because the ​this​ in ​foo​ depends on the call site. The call site was the global object (rule #4) so ​this​ still references the global scope. (in strict mode it would be ​undefined​). 
Adding to this, ​baz​ is already on the global object, so in the definition of ​foo​, ​this.baz​ just points to the same global object property, like we have not had done anything. 

Point: no matter how hard you try, there's no way to cross over the ​this​ mechanism (dynamic scope) to lexical function scope.