SSR Rationale & Initial Setup

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Intermediate React
Created at:
React libraries JavaScript

Why SSR?

First download and show a basic version of the site and not just send an empty page.

Split code that will only run in the browser

For example Google Analytics won't run on NodeJS.

  //    ****        ClientApp.js        ****

import React from "react";
// using hydrate from React-dom
import { hydrate } from "react-dom";
import App from "./App";

// any other browser-only things

hydrate(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

hydrate will not destroy the existing DOM, but update it.

update App.js

   //    ****        App.js        ****


 // at the end of the file
  // ****  1. don't render just export.  ↴
  // ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))
  export default App

use ClientApp in index.html

  <!-- // **** 1. change this to use ClientApp.  -->
  <!-- <script src="./App.js"></script> -->
  <script src="./ClientApp.js"></script>

Now we can import this into NodeJS. We have to make sure that in the entire app, there's no reference to document. so update Modal

   //    ****        Modal.js        ****

 // **** 1. move this where it doesn't run on first render  ↴
 // const modalRoot = document.getElementById('modal')

 // later...
 useEffect(() => {
  // **** 2. use here the document reference.  ↴ 
  const modalRoot = document.getElementById('modal')

Install the tooling

npm install babel-cli express

It's to use JSX in NodeJS and Express is a NodeJS framework.

add package.json script

   //    ****        package.json        ****

 "scripts": {
 "build": "parcel build --public-url ./dist/ src/",
 "start": "npm run build && babel-node server/index.js",

the above means that we will be serving everything from dist/.

babel-node is not really recommended for production, but it greatly simplifies the setting up.

Normally you would precompile your React app in a way that is directly readable by NodeJS, so no JSX in it.