Exercise 6: Solution

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Motion Design with CSS
Created at:
css animation
With skrollr you can just set up ​data-​ attributes and not have to write any JS at all. 

You need to add 0% with skrollr (add percentage sign to 0)

To make the cat fall upwards, she changes the ​data-​ attributes to a bottom value:
  <div class="tuna-falling" data-0="bottom: -20%" data-6124="bottom: 120%">
Then she plays around with overlaying three cat images and changing their opacities to add expressions. 
One way:
  <img class="tuna-glow" src="..." data-0="opacity: 0" data-6124="opacity: 1" .. />
Now, the expression layer fades in with the scroll. 
She then reduces ​data-6124​ to ​data-4124​ so that it happens lower in the page.

The other, stateful way:

Using the ​<body>​ class... :
  .waking .tuna-glow {
  opacity: 1;
  transition-duration: 6s;