Oauth in Firebase 

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Serverless
Created at:
backend JavaScript

Great news, you don't have to set up oauth yourself on your server!

Goes to ☛ Go to Console on the web console

Create New Project button (Lunch Rush)

Authenctication menu item, ☛ Set up sign-in method button, chooses ☛ Google for login method. He chooses Google authentication method so that we don't need any authentication keys.

the pen icon, ☛ enable, ☛ save

He has now implemented Google Oauth!

Tour of the project

There are a lot of files, but a lot is boilerplate.

Application.js : Just renders the h1

firebase.js has an empty config where you can enter your keys.

CurrentUser.js: just boilerplate so far.

NewRestaurant.js: a form for the restaurant.

Restaurants.js will render each restaurant

some CSS files.

Signin.js empty div again...

App demo

Demoes how the app will work...