Challenge 5 Solution

In notebook:
FrontEndMasters Building Web Apps with Node.js
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backend Node JS JavaScript
Video Course on Building Web Applications with Node.jsSometimes your app needs to be on a visible public address

explains service: forward your localhost post to a public url (it's a reverse proxy)

Socket ​set​ method

to set a persistent value (like a cookie)

socket.on('nick', function(nick) {socket.set('nickname', nick);});

then to use it:

​socket.get('nickname', function(err, nick) { // use the nickname in the callback})
  // Handle socket traffic
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    // Set the nickname property for a given client
    socket.on('nick', function(nick) {
        socket.set('nickname', nick);

    // Relay chat data to all clients
    socket.on('chat', function(data) {
        socket.get('nickname', function(err, nick) {
            var nickname = err ? 'Anonymous' : nick;

            var payload = {
                message: data.message,
                nick: nickname

            socket.broadcast.emit('chat', payload);
So to clarify:

​io.sockets.on("connection", cb)

the ​connection​ event happens each time a new client is connected and everything inside the callback related to that one client

​socket.emit(//...)​ and ​socket.broadcast.emit(//...)

you can also just use ​io.sockets.emit('chat', payload)​ to broadcast to all connected clients. instead of the two lines:

socket.broadcast.emit('chat', payload);