Rendering Labels
In router we can pass the labels too:
// **** router.js ****
import ...
export default Router.extend({
renderPage (page, opts = {layout:true}) { ... }
routes: {
'': 'public',
'repos': 'repos',
'login': 'login',
'logout': 'logout',
'auth/callback?:query': 'authCallback',
'repo/:owner/:name': 'repoDetail'
public () { ... },
repos () { ... },
repoDetail (owner, name) {
const model = + '/' + name)
// ++++ 1. add the labels collection
// to make sure it's automatically observed
this.renderPage(<repoDetail repo={model} labels={model.labels}/>)
login () { ... },
authCallback (query) { ... },
logout () { ... }
In repo-details we add the mixin
// **** pages/repo-detail.js ****
import React from 'react'
// ++++ 2. import the mixin
import ampersandMixin from 'ampersand-react-mixin'
export default React.createClass({
// ++++ 1. add the mixin
mixins: [ampersandMixin],
displayName: 'RepoDetail'
render () {
const {repo} = this.props
return (
<div className='container'>
Explains why we need to do it manually (not to add to much overhead) (see router.js above line #23) Child objects don't get events sent to their parentsExplains how it would be that we let React handle everything by adding one top level component and everything is a child of that (may need to rewatch this part)
// **** pages/repo-detail.js ****
import ...
export default React.createClass({
mixins: [ampersandMixin],
displayName: 'RepoDetail'
render () {
const {repo} = this.props
return (
<div className='container'>
// ++++ 1. render the list of labels
{ label => {
return <li>{}</li>